Division 2: Division Stats

Win Percentages
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Sean Gant 3 3 100.00
1 Cameron Gibb 3 3 100.00
3 Alex Boughton 2 2 100.00
3 Russell Lewis 2 2 100.00
3 Paul Brown 2 2 100.00
6 Marcus Latimer 1 1 100.00
6 Jamie Monks 1 1 100.00
6 Chris Perkins 1 1 100.00
6 Adam Brown 1 1 100.00
6 Harvey Auty-Jacklin 1 1 100.00
6 Alex Holland 1 1 100.00
6 Shaun Smith 1 1 100.00
6 Josh Abbs 1 1 100.00
6 Nick Askew 1 1 100.00
6 Mike Trace 1 1 100.00
16 Peter Miller 2 3 66.67
16 Kieran Weston-Favell 2 3 66.67
16 James Quinn 2 3 66.67
19 Danny Jnr Caulkett 3 5 60.00
20 Gray Uff 2 4 50.00
21 Alex Chapman 1 2 50.00
21 Steve Casey 1 2 50.00
21 ian Ball 1 2 50.00
24 Danial Slade 2 5 40.00
25 Adam Jessup 1 3 33.33
26 Nathan Clark 1 4 25.00
27 Andy Rettie 0 5 0.00
28 David Hopkins 0 3 0.00
28 Robert Milner 0 3 0.00
30 Billy Baldwin 0 2 0.00
30 Henry Milner 0 2 0.00
30 Rick Watson 0 2 0.00
33 David Chapman 0 1 0.00
33 Dave Parker 0 1 0.00
33 Greg Smith 0 1 0.00
33 Hafeez Rehman 0 1 0.00
33 Chris Smith 0 1 0.00
End of Season SportyHQ Ratings
# Name End of Season Rating
1 Cameron Gibb 1313
2 Josh Abbs 1203
3 Harvey Auty-Jacklin 1172
4 Dave Parker 1128
5 Alex Holland 1099
6 Nick Askew 1053
7 David Chapman 1041
8 Alex Boughton 935
9 Nathan Clark 907
10 Danny Jnr Caulkett 904
11 Rick Watson 881
12 ian Ball 814
13 Chris Smith 801
14 Russell Lewis 798
15 Mike Trace 797
16 Gray Uff 786
17 Adam Jessup 785
18 Peter Miller 775
19 Andy Rettie 758
20 Alex Chapman 735
21 Sean Gant 731
22 Greg Smith 730
23 Steve Casey 728
24 Marcus Latimer 673
25 Billy Baldwin 627
25 Danial Slade 627
27 Shaun Smith 620
28 Hafeez Rehman 609
29 Kieran Weston-Favell 593
30 Paul Brown 454
31 James Quinn 442
32 Adam Brown 429
33 Chris Perkins 421
34 Henry Milner 411
35 Jamie Monks 408
36 David Hopkins 406
37 Robert Milner 403
All Star Team
Best lineup with at least 4 matches played.
# Name Win % Wins Losses
1 Danny Jnr Caulkett 60.00 3 2
2 Andy Rettie 0.00 0 3
3 Robert Milner 0.00 0 3
Best Win % When Lower Ranked
# Name Won Played Win %
1 Paul Brown 2 2 100.00
2 Marcus Latimer 1 1 100.00
2 Sean Gant 1 1 100.00
2 Steve Casey 1 1 100.00
2 Alex Holland 1 1 100.00
2 ian Ball 1 1 100.00
2 Mike Trace 1 1 100.00
8 Gray Uff 2 4 50.00
9 Danny Jnr Caulkett 1 2 50.00
9 Kieran Weston-Favell 1 2 50.00
9 James Quinn 1 2 50.00
9 Peter Miller 1 2 50.00
13 Danial Slade 1 4 25.00
14 Andy Rettie 2 0.00
14 Robert Milner 2 0.00
16 David Chapman 1 0.00
16 Greg Smith 1 0.00
16 Nathan Clark 1 0.00
Rating Variations
# Name Start End +/- Change
1 Gray Uff 723 786 63
2 Paul Brown 394 454 60
3 Peter Miller 736 775 39
4 James Quinn 405 442 37
5 Kieran Weston-Favell 558 593 35
6 Danial Slade 595 627 32
7 Marcus Latimer 643 673 30
8 Steve Casey 704 728 24
9 ian Ball 794 814 20
10 Alex Holland 1087 1099 12
11 Mike Trace 790 797 7
12 Sean Gant 725 731 6
13 Chris Perkins 416 421 5
14 Adam Brown 426 429 3
15 Danny Jnr Caulkett 902 904 2
16 Russell Lewis 796 798 2
17 Hafeez Rehman 607 609 2
18 Cameron Gibb 1313 1313 0
19 Alex Boughton 935 935 0
20 David Chapman 1041 1041 0
20 Greg Smith 730 730 0
20 Shaun Smith 620 620 0
23 Nick Askew 1055 1053 -2
24 Robert Milner 406 403 -3
25 Josh Abbs 1212 1203 -9
26 Alex Chapman 745 735 -10
27 Harvey Auty-Jacklin 1182 1172 -10
27 Dave Parker 1138 1128 -10
29 Nathan Clark 920 907 -13
30 Adam Jessup 802 785 -17
31 Rick Watson 901 881 -20
32 Chris Smith 821 801 -20
33 Andy Rettie 794 758 -36
34 Jamie Monks 500 408 -92
35 Billy Baldwin 800 627 -173
36 Henry Milner 595 411 -184
37 David Hopkins 600 406 -194
Loss Percentages
# Name Lost Played Loss %
1 Andy Rettie 5 5 100.00
2 David Hopkins 3 3 100.00
2 Robert Milner 3 3 100.00
4 Billy Baldwin 2 2 100.00
4 Henry Milner 2 2 100.00
4 Rick Watson 2 2 100.00
7 David Chapman 1 1 100.00
7 Dave Parker 1 1 100.00
7 Greg Smith 1 1 100.00
7 Hafeez Rehman 1 1 100.00
7 Chris Smith 1 1 100.00
12 Nathan Clark 3 4 75.00
13 Adam Jessup 2 3 66.67
14 Danial Slade 3 5 60.00
15 Gray Uff 2 4 50.00
16 Alex Chapman 1 2 50.00
16 Steve Casey 1 2 50.00
16 ian Ball 1 2 50.00
19 Danny Jnr Caulkett 2 5 40.00
20 Peter Miller 1 3 33.33
20 Kieran Weston-Favell 1 3 33.33
20 James Quinn 1 3 33.33
23 Sean Gant 0 3 0.00
23 Cameron Gibb 0 3 0.00
25 Alex Boughton 0 2 0.00
25 Russell Lewis 0 2 0.00
25 Paul Brown 0 2 0.00
28 Marcus Latimer 0 1 0.00
28 Jamie Monks 0 1 0.00
28 Chris Perkins 0 1 0.00
28 Adam Brown 0 1 0.00
28 Harvey Auty-Jacklin 0 1 0.00
28 Alex Holland 0 1 0.00
28 Shaun Smith 0 1 0.00
28 Josh Abbs 0 1 0.00
28 Nick Askew 0 1 0.00
28 Mike Trace 0 1 0.00